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Reliability and Maintainability Analysis of a High Air Pressure Compressor Facility




This paper discusses a Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM) independent assessment conducted to support the refurbishment of the Compressor Station at the NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC). The paper discusses the methodologies used by the assessment team to derive the repair by replacement (RR) strategies to improve the reliability and availability of the Compressor Station (Ref.1). This includes a RAPTOR simulation model that was used to generate the statistical data analysis needed to derive a 15-year investment plan to support the refurbishment of the facility. To summarize, study results clearly indicate that the air compressors are well past their design life. The major failures of Compressors indicate that significant latent failure causes are present. Given the occurrence of these high-cost failures following compressor overhauls, future major failures should be anticipated if compressors are not replaced. Given the results from the RR analysis, the study team recommended a compressor replacement strategy. Based on the data analysis, the RR strategy will lead to sustainable operations through significant improvements in reliability, availability, and the probability of meeting the air demand with acceptable investment cost that should translate, in the long run, into major cost savings. For example, the probability of meeting air demand improved from 79.7 percent for the Base Case to 97.3 percent. Expressed in terms of a reduction in the probability of failing to meet demand (1 in 5 days to 1 in 37 days), the improvement is about 700 percent. Similarly, compressor replacement improved the operational availability of the facility from 97.5 percent to 99.8 percent. Expressed in terms of a reduction in system unavailability (1 in 40 to 1 in 500), the improvement is better than 1000 percent (an order of magnitude improvement). It is worthy to note that the methodologies, tools, and techniques used in the LaRC study can be used to evaluate similar high value equipment components and facilities. Also, lessons learned in data collection and maintenance practices derived from the observations, findings, and recommendations of the study are extremely important in the evaluation and sustainment of new compressor facilities.
机译:本文讨论了独立于可靠性,可用性和可维护性(RAM)的评估,以支持NASA兰利研究中心(LaRC)压缩机站的翻新。本文讨论了评估小组用于通过更换来修复(RR)策略以提高压缩机站的可靠性和可用性的方法学(参考资料1)。这包括一个RAPTOR仿真模型,该模型用于生成统计数据分析,以得出15年投资计划以支持该设施的翻新。总而言之,研究结果清楚地表明空气压缩机已经超过了设计寿命。 Compressor的主要故障表明存在重大的潜在故障原因。鉴于压缩机大修后会发生这些高成本的故障,如果不更换压缩机,则应该预见到未来的重大故障。根据RR分析的结果,研究团队建议了压缩机更换策略。基于数据分析,RR策略将通过可靠性,可用性和以可接受的投资成本满足空气需求的可能性的显着提高而实现可持续运营,从长期来看,这将转化为重大的成本节省。例如,满足空气需求的可能性从基本案例的79.7%提高到97.3%。用减少无法满足需求的可能性表示(从5天1到37天1),大约提高了700%。同样,更换压缩机将工厂的运营可用性从97.5%提高到了99.8%。以减少系统不可用性(从40的1减少到500的1)表示,该改进优于1000%(一个数量级的改进)。值得注意的是,LaRC研究中使用的方法,工具和技术可用于评估类似的高价值设备组件和设施。同样,从数据的收集和维护实践中汲取的经验教训,研究结果和建议对评估和维护新的压缩机设施极为重要。



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